Flax Eggs
Craving cookies? Don’t eat eggs? Us too! About five years ago we discovered that my daughter is highly sensitive to all parts of eggs—the white and the yokes. She was constantly congested, and would cough for 30 minutes before being able to fall asleep at night. Naturally I assumed it was dairy, and we started eliminating all dairy from her diet. Just to be safe we eliminated gluten too. While her symptoms eased, they remained present. She started feeling embarrassed at school because people would here her cough, see her congestion, and assume she was sick with some icky germ. It was time to see a specialist. And in doing so, we discovered that she was OFF THE CHARTS sensitive to EGGS! Exploring this journey of how eggs effected her system, answered alot of questions about my own system, and while I haven’t been tested, I’m pretty sure we share in this same sensitivity. Our family has now been egg-free for five years now. We also support our systems by choosing to go almost 100% dairy-free, and gluten-free too.
So how do we solve our cookie cravings without eggs? Flax Eggs!
For a healthy egg-substitute use this Flax Egg recipe. It’s our go-to egg substitute, and the cookie lovers in your home will never know the difference.
Flax Egg Recipe
This recipe makes the equivalent of ONE egg. So if your baked good recipe calls for three eggs, multiply the following ingredients by three.
1 tablespoon Ground Flax Seed
2 tablespoons Water (we prefer to use filtered)
Mix ingredients together and let them sit for five minutes BEFORE adding them to your recipe.